Wellness, simplified.
Roles: Copywriter, Copyeditor, + Social Media Manager
Wellness and The Woods: Exploring the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku in the Redwoods
You’re probably thinking, what the heck is ‘shinrin-yoku,’ so let’s get that out of the way first. The direct Japanese translation of shinrin-yoku is “taking in the forest atmosphere,” and loosely translates to “forest-bathing.” In America, we might compare this to hiking, or simply going for a walk in your local nature preserve..
Harvest Your Mind, Body, and Soul: Yielding The Most From Our Bodies, Minds + Souls This Fall
In the Midwest, where I grew up, the leaves turn colors in dramatic ways during the fall. I’ve left foreign travels to come back just in time to see the leaves change, to smell the spicy, sweet scents, and nest into big sweaters and good books underneath the beauty of it…
2. Science of Life: This Ancient Indian Medicine Healed Me When My Doctors Couldn't.
Feeling like a balloon about to pop, I blink into the florescent, ticking light of a doctor’s office: a standard, high-rise business building, reeking of sterile soap… I’m twenty years old, a college sophomore, and for the last six months I’ve suffered from indigestion so severe that I’ve been hospitalized for anxiety attacks to which I was told to “take a Xanax.” Most days, I’ve only been able to eat 250-450 calories a day…
Wrote a complete revamp of all web and product copy as it appears on the website.
Social Media Management
Designed graphics and wrote captions for Ned's Instagram account.